Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

When dropped

Saya pernah, kamu pernah, semua pernah terpuruk. Reaksi orang akan berbeda-beda menerima kenyataan yang dia hadapi dan orang-orang sekelilingnya yang ketika mereka berhadapan untuk memberikan dukungan atau mendengarkan cerita.

Buat saya, ketika saya sedang terpuruk, sedih, ataupun putus asa, yang saya perlukan adalah didengarkan. Saya pikir, orang lain pun begitu. Cukup mendengarkan saja. Hindari elusan punggung, remasan tangan, bahkan kalimat, "sabar, ya."
Menghindari tangan sedekap, menopang dagu, mengetuk-ngetuk jari ke meja atau kemanapun.


Buat saya pribadi, mengelus pundak atau punggung sebagai bahasa tubuh itu berarti "aduh kasihan kamu", dan meremas tangan tidak lain dari "thanks God bukan gue yang kayak gitu", atau tiba-tiba memeluk adalah bentuk "ya ampun! Nasibmu."
Bukan, bukan itu yang mereka mau. .

It End Tonight

Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can’t explain myself at all.
And all the wants
And all the needs
All I don’t want to need at all.

The walls start breathing

My minds unweaving
Maybe it’s best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light,

It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

A falling star

Least I fall alone.
I can’t explain what you can’t explain.
You're finding things that you didn’t know
I look at you with such disdain

The walls start breathing

My minds unweaving
Maybe it’s best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It’s too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

Now I’m on my own side

It’s better than being on your side
It’s my fault when you're blind
It's better that I see it through your eyes

All these thoughts locked inside

Now you’re the first to know

When darkness turns to light

It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It’s too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends when darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It’s too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight

                                                                                          The All-American Rejects_It end Tonight